One of the blessings of lockdown was the necessity of restricting my explorations to the local area. It seemed as if the whole village and its dog were heading out along the more obvious paths into the (rather lovely) local hills, and so I went into the woods on the other side of the road – with, of course, my trusty Ordnance Survey map in hand.
I now have a number of new favourite footpaths.
This is on one of them. I think that the path is probably an old and established route. Not only does it have a name marked on the map – Brazenhead Lane – it’s also a sunken lane or holloway (hollow way). I’m especially fond of holloways on account of the exposed tree roots that are often seen on their banks. One section of Brazenhead Lane has an especially fine ash, beneath which you can see daylight.

Indian ink on kaolin-coated board,
16″ x 12″

Underash was selected for the Discerning Eye Exhibition 2020.
It was also exhibited at the Whitchurch Silk Mill Lockdown Art Open Exhibition in 2020.