This was done from new photographs, but I have worked with this view before in ink (2019) and in oil (2018). It’s at Danebury Hill near Andover, Hampshire ; there is a splendid hillfort there and this is looking along the outer embanked fortification ring. I was never entirely happy with my treatment in ink (the embankment seems to tip down too suddenly to the right), and I thought it worthwhile attempting the subject again , this time on kaolin-coated board, which allows me to refine my ink drawings with scraped-back-to-white lines.
All three pictures are shown below.

oil on canvas,
50 x 40 cm

ink on paper,
50 x 40 cm

ink on kaolin-coated board,
16 x 12 inches
While I didn’t manage to replicate the angles exactly in my second set of photographs (it looks as if I may have crouched to take the earlier shots), it seems that erosion has uncovered more roots in the intervening six years.