Moss Walk
Exposed tree roots on the sheer side of a greensand holloway in Surrey. Moss Walk, Ink on kaolin-coated board, 14×11″
Exposed tree roots on the sheer side of a greensand holloway in Surrey. Moss Walk, Ink on kaolin-coated board, 14×11″
Beech trees throw some incredible shapes. This is on the upper storey path from my large drawing Multistorey. Undertow, Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x16″
There’s something very dramatic about viewing something “against the light”, or from the shadow side with light seeping around the edges. And I rather like dramatic. This is another scene from Church Lane, in Witley, Surrey. The lane is less sunken here, near the top…
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Staying with the A3 size, I moved on to white paper for the next set of green men. I decided to name this group more consistently. They became the Vikings, all with Scandinavian names and with decorative elements similar to the sort of designs that…
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It being winter, I had moved in to the house to draw my green men. Coloured pencil is a fairly innocuous medium, with the possible exception of the pencil shavings. But the only drawing board that I have that is big enough for a sheet…
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I wanted to take the green man idea a little further than my series of small (10x15cm) lino cuts allowed. Green men, in the form of foliate heads, are found as carvings in stone or wood in some medieval churches, so I decided to draw…
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Olive trees are great – when they get old they become wonderfully gnarly, and they produce olives, which are good to eat – but you don’t find many growing in the woods around here. They are neither native nor naturalised in Britain, but they can…
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This fantastic sunken lane has provided me with subjects for several drawings since I first visited it in January of this year. Knave, Knoll, Shadow Dance, and now The Low Road, are all set on Church Lane in Witley near Godalming, Surrey. This, however, is…
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This is part of the sheer side of a track leading from Huckers Lane (in Selborne, Hampshire) to a field gate. Immediately above Huckers Cottage is an outcrop of the Greensand, a small scarp, the southern end of the quarry dug out of Church Meadow.…
Continue reading Quarry (Huckers Lane)
I was passing through the New Forest earlier this year, on my way home from delivering work to an open exhibition, and I decided to stop at Forsey Gardens. It was a hot day and the gardens, pleasant though they are, provided relatively little relief…
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