Nest Boxes – SOLD

Nest Boxes – SOLD

Greenham Common has a variety of habitats, notably a large expanse of heathland with ground-nesting birds, lizards and rare orchids. There are also the fenced-off bunkers (once home, at disparate times, to American Cruise missiles and the D’Qar resistance in Star Wars), a business park…
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The River Test flows quietly by itself through much of rural North Hampshire. Relatively few public footpaths coincide with it for any distance, which is probably no surprise when you consider how valuable the river’s banks are in terms of fishing rights. Towns and villages,…
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Idyll (with tyre swing) -SOLD

Idyll (with tyre swing) -SOLD

The River Test has its notional source in the downs a mile from the village of Overton in north Hampshire. Last September, I used public footpaths to follow the river between its source and Overton, where it once powered several mills. The source itself was…
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