The yews on the rock walk at Wakehurst Place in Sussex (Kew Gardens’ country house) are an impressive sight. They inhabit the rocks, draping their roots flagrantly over them. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x 16 inches
The yews on the rock walk at Wakehurst Place in Sussex (Kew Gardens’ country house) are an impressive sight. They inhabit the rocks, draping their roots flagrantly over them. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x 16 inches
Wood garlic, wild garlic, ramsons, cowleek, buckrams, bear leek, bear’s garlic… it has many names. Botanists call it Allium ursinum and it is am indicator of ancient woodland. It flourishes in early spring, before the trees get their leaves. Its balls of stellar white flowers…
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This is a path made by animals (possibly sheep, given the wool caught in the branches). It is at eye level when I stand on the sunken path going down Ladle Hill, and the branches hang low over it. I would not be able to…
Continue reading Untrodden Path
Hornbeams in Hainault Forest. I had time to kill in London, so I took the opportunity to ride the tube to the outer limits of the city (to the north and east, furthest from where I live in Hampshire) and visit a suburban forest. Hainault,…
Continue reading Embrace
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row. The dainty plants that are “all in a row” in front of the main tree brought the quoted nursery rhyme to my mind and…
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I found this lovely sunken lane by chance, as described in my Multistorey post. This is a view from the road itself, in the opposite direction looking downhill towards the vantage point in Multistorey. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x 16″Framed, black tray.
Every now and then I do a bit of relief printmaking. It’s generally single-block, one-colour work, although I have experimented with a “jigsaw” approach to colour and with colour blends on the roller (known as “ombre”). This series uses a blend of green, yellow and…
Continue reading The Green Man Series (Linocut)
An open exhibition is an exhibition that anyone can submit work for inclusion in (geographical limits are sometimes set). Entries are selected based on merit and appropriateness. The exhibition is usually high profile and often prestigious. Typically a charge is made for entry; this money…
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What is an Open Exhibition? Society of Graphic Fine Artists Open, Mall Galleries, London. 13 – 18 March 2023Three works: Hawthorn Reverie, Ground Level, Into the Light The Base Festival of Arts and Crafts, Greenham, Newbury. 1-16 April 2023One work: Palisade AppArt, Godalming, Surrey. 1…
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This is a fun little series of acrylic paintings on canvas, intended to complement my tree drawings. The first of these little paintings, Three hazelnuts, was made at the behest of The Prince’s Trust, who sell these specially created 20x20cm canvases for a fixed price…
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