A tangle of roots help this veteran Hawthorn cling to the hillside. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 18 x 24″
A tangle of roots help this veteran Hawthorn cling to the hillside. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 18 x 24″
This was done from new photographs, but I have worked with this view before in ink (2019) and in oil (2018). It’s at Danebury Hill near Andover, Hampshire ; there is a splendid hillfort there and this is looking along the outer embanked fortification ring.…
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This is based on a fairly old photograph from 2018, albeit of a place I know well and visit often. There is a distinct blue cast in that photograph that I found attractive, but it was difficult to reconcile the blue-green of the trees with…
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I very seldom reuse a source photograph, but I did here. The photograph was taken in 2018 and I used it that year to make Hanging Ash, a monochrome ink on kaolin-coated board, a drawing that was subsequently sold at an art fair. The bluff…
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This is based on a photograph that I took on a walk in east Hampshire which included two bridleways called Standfast Lane and Mill Lane. I can’t remember which lane I took the photograph on , but it doesn’t really matter because Standfast is a…
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A nascent sunken lane running alongside the much deeper Hartley Mauditt Lane (featured in MultiStorey and Mauditt). The group of trees to the right are also shown, from a different angle, in Undertow. Summit, Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x16″
This is part of the sheer side of a track leading from Huckers Lane (in Selborne, Hampshire) to a field gate. Immediately above Huckers Cottage is an outcrop of the Greensand, a small scarp, the southern end of the quarry dug out of Church Meadow.…
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I was passing through the New Forest earlier this year, on my way home from delivering work to an open exhibition, and I decided to stop at Forsey Gardens. It was a hot day and the gardens, pleasant though they are, provided relatively little relief…
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I found this lovely sunken lane by chance, as described in my Multistorey post. This is a view from the road itself, in the opposite direction looking downhill towards the vantage point in Multistorey. Ink on kaolin-coated board, 12 x 16″Framed, black tray.
Multistorey is a drawing of Hartley Mauditt Lane in East Hampshire, from the vantage of a public footpath that runs alongside and above the sunken lane itself. The drawing is in Indian ink on a full Imperial size sheet of handmade Sunn Hemp paper. It…
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